Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Viewing All The New Posts

To view all the new post scroll down to the very bottom of the page. In the "Blog Archive" click on "June" and they will come up. If you have problems you can e-mail me at or give a call at 541-232-5213!

Have a good day!

Taylor Swift & Kelly Pickler Concert in Portland

We had an all girls Saturday night. Katie, Destanee (DD), Brittany (also a cousin) and Me. The concert was at 7:00 we left about noon and went to dinner at the cheesecake Factory and kinda messed around. The chicken strips below are a kid portion. We thought that was a HUGE amount for a kid. Waited in line for a hour for t-shirts. HOLY COW needed ear pluggs for the screaming little girls. It was a great night overall tho.

Baby Hugh Heffner

Its all in the robe...He wears this robe non stop. He pretty much uses it for a jacket. We got it for him at christmas. Its running a little snug now. He could care less. He will bring it to you to put on him. He tries to do it him self but gets a little worked up over trying to do it.


We call kisses Mooka's. He will pretty much give anyone a Mooka now if you ask AND you can catch him. He likes to run away from you. Katie here asked for a Mooka. What the pictures dont show is after he was forced by her to get 2 of them he then payed her back for capturing him and tying him down for them. We won't even begin to go on from there...

Sweet Boy and Cute Puppies

These are my Aunt Lisa's puppies. Her Chihuahua Marley had puppies. The puppies are 3 weeks along here. There were 4 of them. Sexi Lexi, Lola, Rico Suave and Trixie. Those are the name Destanee (aka DD) gave Here he is holding Lola nicely. We were all soooooooooooo impressed that he was so gental everybody had their camera's out. She gave three away to family and friends and kept Lexy. showen in the pic above

Katie & Bud

Katie and Ayron hanging out talking rides in his Jeep out at the house.

Chewy and Rocky

This is my Brother's dog Chewy. Chewy is a 4lb Shitzu. He thinks Cruz is his friend...Here he does. Untill Cruz tries to chase him and pick him up then he fears for his life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meet Buck ...(200lbs of St Bernard/Black Lab)

This is our dog Buck. As you can see he is very mellow. He lets Cruz do whatever Cruz feels like doing at that time. Katie tries to make him do tricks, but the only trick he does is sleep and chases a red kong ball. He also has many hobbies. Sleeping, Sun tanning, Eating Pig ears, Sleeping (did I say that already lol). He is a great dog for the kids and they love him.

It's A Cold Morning On The Deck

We had just taken Kitty (Katie) to school and Cruz though he should get to take a trip to play on the deck. Well technically the chairs. He likes to play on the chairs and climb on things he's is NOT suppose to do, of course!

Katie Playing

Here's Katie palying. These dolls names are Rosey and Brooke Im suppose to tell all of u. And yes there r many,many more. BUT were only posting a few!

Playing On The Deck With B-Ball

Hanging out with B-Ball (Michael) on the deck. Michael is a pretty active person and the kids still give him a good workout! Michael just left for the Military a few days ago. We all miss him.

My New Hair Cut

This isint the fist time for a hair cut. We try to take Cruz at least once a month. He does pretty good. Usually him and his Dad go together.

War Wound

This is one of MANY accidents. Cruz like to live on the edge. He is willing to try ANYTHING several times weather there is "NO" or "STOP" involved or not. Anything distructive put it on his list of top things to do.

Hello To All

Welcome back...Well things have been kinda messy. The kitchen has been completly stripped down to nothing and redone. I started work at a new place (I love by the way) and we are currently in the mix of planning a So. Cal trip...YEAH!! In the mean time I have a whole bunch of updating to do on here so please be patient. I planned on updating every Monday BUT Cruz turns out to be more of a handfull each week. So it's late he's asleep let the updating begin...
<3 Brandi