Friday, March 13, 2009

Fresh Start

So we had some issues with the last blog. I probably messed it up BUT...since we can't confirm it we'll say the computer did. I really didn't update much but, I am going to try as much as possible and fill everyone in on the details that's going on with us. We are spending this weekend at the coast with My Mom and Dad and Cam's Dad Myron. I should have some great pics for next time I post. Cam and I are in the process of getting a house. We are looking at some land as we speak, we have a Realtor!! YEAH A step closer, hopefully soon! Totally Polished is doing great. We are running specials like crazy and having a great time! Cam has been working all over the place. Portland is his current location. Canyonville (Casino), Salem (Capital Building), Eugene (University) are the other few he's been working. The Kids are great. Katie is loving school she just got over pneumonia. She's getting excited for the longer days and nicer weather so she can spend her afternoons outside. Cruz, well where do I start. That little boy we should have named Cane for Hurricane. If I could go back I would change his name. Only if we knew lol. He is into everything, destroys everything. Very nosy and wants to be involved with everybody including the dog. He has a sweet/devilish/fun personality now. There's never a dull moment around that boy. Well I better get I have to pick up Katie in 20 minutes. Check back this weekend for current pics from the coast trip!


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